Source code for minimization.minimizer

This module implements all classes needed to perform data minimization

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy
import sys
from scipy.spatial import distance
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_X_y, check_array, check_is_fitted
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

[docs]class GeneralizeToRepresentative(BaseEstimator, MetaEstimatorMixin, TransformerMixin): """ A transformer that generalizes data to representative points. Learns data generalizations based on an original model's predictions and a target accuracy. Once the generalizations are learned, can receive one or more data records and transform them to representative points based on the learned generalization. An alternative way to use the transformer is to supply ``cells`` and ``features`` in init or set_params and those will be used to transform data to representatives. In this case, fit must still be called but there is no need to supply it with ``X`` and ``y``, and there is no need to supply an existing ``estimator`` to init. In summary, either ``estimator`` and ``target_accuracy`` should be supplied or ``cells`` and ``features`` should be supplied. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator, optional The original model for which generalization is being performed. Should be pre-fitted. target_accuracy : float, optional The required accuracy when applying the base model to the generalized data. Accuracy is measured relative to the original accuracy of the model. features : list of str, optional The feature names, in the order that they appear in the data. cells : list of object, optional The cells used to generalize records. Each cell must define a range or subset of categories for each feature, as well as a representative value for each feature. This parameter should be used when instantiating a transformer object without first fitting it. Attributes ---------- cells_ : list of object The cells used to generalize records, as learned when calling fit. ncp_ : float The NCP (information loss) score of the resulting generalization, as measured on the training data. generalizations_ : object The generalizations that were learned (actual feature ranges). Notes ----- """
[docs] def __init__(self, estimator=None, target_accuracy=0.998, features=None, cells=None): self.estimator = estimator self.target_accuracy = target_accuracy self.features = features self.cells = cells
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """Get parameters for this estimator. Parameters ---------- deep : boolean, optional If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators. Returns ------- params : mapping of string to any Parameter names mapped to their values. """ ret = {} ret['target_accuracy'] = self.target_accuracy if deep: ret['features'] = copy.deepcopy(self.features) ret['cells'] = copy.deepcopy(self.cells) ret['estimator'] = self.estimator else: ret['features'] = copy.copy(self.features) ret['cells'] = copy.copy(self.cells) return ret
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set the parameters of this estimator. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ if 'target_accuracy' in params: self.target_accuracy = params['target_accuracy'] if 'features' in params: self.features = params['features'] if 'cells' in params: self.cells = params['cells'] return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X=None, y=None): """Learns the generalizations based on training data, and applies them to the data. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features), optional The training input samples. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional The target values. An array of int. This should contain the predictions of the original model on ``X``. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """, y) return self.transform(X)
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None): """Learns the generalizations based on training data. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features), optional The training input samples. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional The target values. An array of int. This should contain the predictions of the original model on ``X``. Returns ------- X_transformed : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) The array containing the representative values to which each record in ``X`` is mapped. """ # take into account that estimator, X, y, cells, features may be None if X is not None and y is not None: X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=True) self.n_features_ = X.shape[1] elif self.features: self.n_features_ = len(self.features) else: self.n_features_ = 0 if self.features: self._features = self.features # if features is None, use numbers instead of names elif self.n_features_ != 0: self._features = [i for i in range(self.n_features_)] else: self._features = None if self.cells: self.cells_ = self.cells else: self.cells_ = {} # Going to fit # (currently not dealing with option to fit with only X and y and no estimator) if self.estimator and X is not None and y is not None: # divide dataset into train and test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, stratify=y, test_size = 0.4, random_state = 18) # collect feature data (such as min, max) train_data = pd.DataFrame(X_train, columns=self._features) feature_data = {} for feature in self._features: if not feature in feature_data.keys(): values = list(train_data.loc[:, feature]) fd = {} fd['min'] = min(values) fd['max'] = max(values) feature_data[feature] = fd self.cells_ = {} self.dt_ = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1), y_train) self._calculate_cells() self._modify_cells() nodes = self._get_nodes_level(0) self._attach_cells_representatives(X_train, y_train, nodes) # self.cells_ currently holds the generalization created from the tree leaves # apply generalizations to test data generalized = self._generalize(X_test, nodes, self.cells_, self.cells_by_id_) # check accuracy accuracy = self.estimator.score(generalized, y_test) print('Initial accuracy is %f' % accuracy) # if accuracy above threshold, improve generalization if accuracy > self.target_accuracy: level = 1 while accuracy > self.target_accuracy: nodes = self._get_nodes_level(level) self._calculate_level_cells(level) self._attach_cells_representatives(X_train, y_train, nodes) generalized = self._generalize(X_test, nodes, self.cells_, self.cells_by_id_) accuracy = self.estimator.score(generalized, y_test) print('Level: %d, accuracy: %f' % (level, accuracy)) level+=1 # if accuracy below threshold, improve accuracy by removing features from generalization if accuracy < self.target_accuracy: while accuracy < self.target_accuracy: self._calculate_generalizations() removed_feature = self._remove_feature_from_generalization(X_test, nodes, y_test, feature_data) if not removed_feature: break generalized = self._generalize(X_test, nodes, self.cells_, self.cells_by_id_) accuracy = self.estimator.score(generalized, y_test) print('Removed feature: %s, accuracy: %f' % (removed_feature, accuracy)) # self.cells_ currently holds the chosen generalization based on target accuracy # calculate iLoss self.ncp_ = self._calculate_ncp(X_test, self.generalizations_, feature_data) # Return the transformer return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Transforms data records to representative points. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse-matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. Returns ------- X_transformed : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) The array containing the representative values to which each record in ``X`` is mapped. """ # Check if fit has been called msg = 'This %(name)s instance is not initialized yet. ' \ 'Call ‘fit’ or ‘set_params’ with ' \ 'appropriate arguments before using this method.' check_is_fitted(self, ['cells', 'features'], msg=msg) # Input validation X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=True) if X.shape[1] != self.n_features_ and self.n_features_ != 0: raise ValueError('Shape of input is different from what was seen' 'in `fit`') if not self._features: self._features = [i for i in range(X.shape[1])] representatives = pd.DataFrame(columns=self._features) # only columns generalized = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=self._features, copy=True) # original data mapped = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) # to mark records we already mapped # iterate over cells (leaves in decision tree) for i in range(len(self.cells_)): # Copy the representatives from the cells into another data structure: # iterate over features in test data for feature in self._features: # if feature has a representative value in the cell and should not # be left untouched, take the representative value if feature in self.cells_[i]['representative'] and \ ( 'untouched' not in self.cells_[i] \ or feature not in self.cells_[i]['untouched'] ): representatives.loc[i, feature] = self.cells_[i]['representative'][feature] # else, drop the feature (removes from representatives columns that # do not have a representative value or should remain untouched) elif feature in representatives.columns.tolist(): representatives = representatives.drop(feature, axis=1) # get the indexes of all records that map to this cell indexes = self._get_record_indexes_for_cell(X, self.cells_[i], mapped) # replace the values in the representative columns with the representative # values (leaves others untouched) if not representatives.columns.empty: generalized.loc[indexes, representatives.columns] = representatives.loc[i].values return generalized.to_numpy()
def _get_record_indexes_for_cell(self, X, cell, mapped): return [i for i, x in enumerate(X) if not mapped.item(i) and self._cell_contains(cell, x, i, mapped)] def _cell_contains(self, cell, x, i, mapped): for f in self._features: if f in cell['ranges']: if not self._cell_contains_numeric(f, cell['ranges'][f], x): return False else: #TODO: exception - feature not defined pass # Mark as mapped mapped.itemset(i, 1) return True def _cell_contains_numeric(self, f, range, x): i = self._features.index(f) # convert x to ndarray to allow indexing a = np.array(x) value = a.item(i) if range['start']: if value <= range['start']: return False if range['end']: if value > range['end']: return False return True def _calculate_cells(self): self.cells_by_id_ = {} self.cells_ = self._calculate_cells_recursive(0) def _calculate_cells_recursive(self, node): feature_index = self.dt_.tree_.feature[node] if feature_index == -2: # this is a leaf label = self._calculate_cell_label(node) hist = [int(i) for i in self.dt_.tree_.value[node][0]] cell = {'label': label, 'hist': hist, 'ranges': {}, 'id': int(node)} return [cell] cells = [] feature = self._features[feature_index] threshold = self.dt_.tree_.threshold[node] left_child = self.dt_.tree_.children_left[node] right_child = self.dt_.tree_.children_right[node] left_child_cells = self._calculate_cells_recursive(left_child) for cell in left_child_cells: if feature not in cell['ranges'].keys(): cell['ranges'][feature] = {'start': None, 'end': None} if cell['ranges'][feature]['end'] is None: cell['ranges'][feature]['end'] = threshold cells.append(cell) self.cells_by_id_[cell['id']] = cell right_child_cells = self._calculate_cells_recursive(right_child) for cell in right_child_cells: if feature not in cell['ranges'].keys(): cell['ranges'][feature] = {'start': None, 'end': None} if cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] is None: cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] = threshold cells.append(cell) self.cells_by_id_[cell['id']] = cell return cells def _calculate_cell_label(self, node): label_hist = self.dt_.tree_.value[node][0] return int(self.dt_.classes_[np.argmax(label_hist)]) def _modify_cells(self): cells = [] for cell in self.cells_: new_cell = {'id': cell['id'], 'label': cell['label'], 'ranges': {}, 'categories': {}, 'hist': cell['hist'], 'representative': None} for feature in self._features: if feature in cell['ranges'].keys(): new_cell['ranges'][feature] = cell['ranges'][feature] else: new_cell['ranges'][feature] = {'start': None, 'end': None} cells.append(new_cell) self.cells_by_id_[new_cell['id']] = new_cell self.cells_ = cells def _calculate_level_cells(self, level): if level < 0 or level > self.dt_.get_depth(): #TODO: exception 'Illegal level %d' % level pass if level > 0: new_cells = [] new_cells_by_id = {} nodes = self._get_nodes_level(level) for node in nodes: if self.dt_.tree_.feature[node] == -2: # leaf node new_cell = self.cells_by_id_[node] else: left_child = self.dt_.tree_.children_left[node] right_child = self.dt_.tree_.children_right[node] left_cell = self.cells_by_id_[left_child] right_cell = self.cells_by_id_[right_child] new_cell = {'id': int(node), 'ranges': {}, 'categories': {}, 'label': None, 'representative': None} for feature in left_cell['ranges'].keys(): new_cell['ranges'][feature] = {} new_cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] = left_cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] new_cell['ranges'][feature]['end'] = right_cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] for feature in left_cell['categories'].keys(): new_cell['categories'][feature] = \ list(set(left_cell['categories'][feature]) | set(right_cell['categories'][feature])) self._calculate_level_cell_label(left_cell, right_cell, new_cell) new_cells.append(new_cell) new_cells_by_id[new_cell['id']] = new_cell self.cells_ = new_cells self.cells_by_id_ = new_cells_by_id # else: nothing to do, stay with previous cells def _calculate_level_cell_label(self, left_cell, right_cell, new_cell): new_cell['hist'] = [x + y for x, y in zip(left_cell['hist'], right_cell['hist'])] new_cell['label'] = int(self.dt_.classes_[np.argmax(new_cell['hist'])]) def _get_nodes_level(self, level): # level = distance from lowest leaf node_depth = np.zeros(shape=self.dt_.tree_.node_count, dtype=np.int64) is_leaves = np.zeros(shape=self.dt_.tree_.node_count, dtype=bool) stack = [(0, -1)] # seed is the root node id and its parent depth while len(stack) > 0: node_id, parent_depth = stack.pop() node_depth[node_id] = parent_depth + 1 if self.dt_.tree_.children_left[node_id] != self.dt_.tree_.children_right[node_id]: stack.append((self.dt_.tree_.children_left[node_id], parent_depth + 1)) stack.append((self.dt_.tree_.children_right[node_id], parent_depth + 1)) else: is_leaves[node_id] = True max_depth = max(node_depth) depth = max_depth - level if depth < 0: return None return [i for i, x in enumerate(node_depth) if x == depth or (x < depth and is_leaves[i])] def _attach_cells_representatives(self, samples, labels, level_nodes): samples_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=self._features) labels_df = pd.DataFrame(labels, columns=['label']) samples_node_ids = self._find_sample_nodes(samples_df, level_nodes) for cell in self.cells_: cell['representative'] = {} # get all rows in cell indexes = [i for i, x in enumerate(samples_node_ids) if x == cell['id']] sample_rows = samples_df.iloc[indexes] sample_labels = labels_df.iloc[indexes]['label'].values.tolist() # get rows with matching label indexes = [i for i, label in enumerate(sample_labels) if label == cell['label']] match_samples = sample_rows.iloc[indexes] # find the "middle" of the cluster array = match_samples.values median = np.median(array, axis=0) # find the record closest to the median i = 0 min = len(array) min_dist = float("inf") for row in array: dist = distance.euclidean(row, median) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist min = i i = i + 1 row = match_samples.iloc[min] # use its values as the representative for feature in cell['ranges'].keys(): cell['representative'][feature] = row[feature].item() def _find_sample_nodes(self, samples, nodes): paths = self.dt_.decision_path(samples).toarray() nodeSet = set(nodes) return [(list(set([i for i, v in enumerate(p) if v == 1]) & nodeSet))[0] for p in paths] def _generalize(self, data, level_nodes, cells, cells_by_id): representatives = pd.DataFrame(columns=self._features) # empty except for columns generalized = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=self._features, copy=True) # original data mapping_to_cells = self._map_to_cells(generalized, level_nodes, cells_by_id) # iterate over cells (leaves in decision tree) for i in range(len(cells)): # This code just copies the representatives from the cells into another data structure # iterate over features for feature in self._features: # if feature has a representative value in the cell and should not be left untouched, # take the representative value if feature in cells[i]['representative'] and ('untouched' not in cells[i] or feature not in cells[i]['untouched']): representatives.loc[i, feature] = cells[i]['representative'][feature] # else, drop the feature (removes from representatives columns that do not have a # representative value or should remain untouched) elif feature in representatives.columns.tolist(): representatives = representatives.drop(feature, axis=1) # get the indexes of all records that map to this cell indexes = [j for j in range(len(mapping_to_cells)) if mapping_to_cells[j]['id'] == cells[i]['id']] # replaces the values in the representative columns with the representative values # (leaves others untouched) if not representatives.columns.empty: generalized.loc[indexes, representatives.columns] = representatives.loc[i].values return generalized.to_numpy() def _map_to_cells(self, samples, nodes, cells_by_id): mapping_to_cells = [] for index, row in samples.iterrows(): cell = self._find_sample_cells([row], nodes, cells_by_id)[0] mapping_to_cells.append(cell) return mapping_to_cells def _find_sample_cells(self, samples, nodes, cells_by_id): node_ids = self._find_sample_nodes(samples, nodes) return [cells_by_id[nodeId] for nodeId in node_ids] def _remove_feature_from_generalization(self, samples, nodes, labels, feature_data): feature = self._get_feature_to_remove(samples, nodes, labels, feature_data) if not feature: return None GeneralizeToRepresentative._remove_feature_from_cells(self.cells_, self.cells_by_id_, feature) return feature def _get_feature_to_remove(self, samples, nodes, labels, feature_data): # We want to remove features with low iLoss (NCP) and high accuracy gain # (after removing them) ranges = self.generalizations_['ranges'] range_counts = self._find_range_count(samples, ranges) total = samples.size range_min = sys.float_info.max remove_feature = None for feature in ranges.keys(): if feature not in self.generalizations_['untouched']: feature_ncp = self._calc_ncp_numeric(ranges[feature], range_counts[feature], feature_data[feature], total) if feature_ncp > 0: # divide by accuracy gain new_cells = copy.deepcopy(self.cells_) cells_by_id = copy.deepcopy(self.cells_by_id_) GeneralizeToRepresentative._remove_feature_from_cells(new_cells, cells_by_id, feature) generalized = self._generalize(samples, nodes, new_cells, cells_by_id) accuracy = self.estimator.score(generalized, labels) feature_ncp = feature_ncp / accuracy if feature_ncp < range_min: range_min = feature_ncp remove_feature = feature print('feature to remove: ' + (remove_feature if remove_feature else '')) return remove_feature def _calculate_generalizations(self): self.generalizations_ = {'ranges': GeneralizeToRepresentative._calculate_ranges(self.cells_), 'untouched': GeneralizeToRepresentative._calculate_untouched(self.cells_)} def _find_range_count(self, samples, ranges): samples_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=self._features) range_counts = {} last_value = None for r in ranges.keys(): range_counts[r] = [] # if empty list, all samples should be counted if not ranges[r]: range_counts[r].append(samples_df.shape[0]) else: for value in ranges[r]: range_counts[r].append(len(samples_df.loc[samples_df[r] <= value])) last_value = value range_counts[r].append(len(samples_df.loc[samples_df[r] > last_value])) return range_counts def _calculate_ncp(self, samples, generalizations, feature_data): # supressed features are already taken care of within _calc_ncp_numeric ranges = generalizations['ranges'] range_counts = self._find_range_count(samples, ranges) total = samples.shape[0] total_ncp = 0 total_features = len(generalizations['untouched']) for feature in ranges.keys(): feature_ncp = GeneralizeToRepresentative._calc_ncp_numeric(ranges[feature], range_counts[feature], feature_data[feature], total) total_ncp = total_ncp + feature_ncp total_features += 1 if total_features == 0: return 0 return total_ncp / total_features @staticmethod def _calculate_ranges(cells): ranges = {} for cell in cells: for feature in [key for key in cell['ranges'].keys() if 'untouched' not in cell or key not in cell['untouched']]: if feature not in ranges.keys(): ranges[feature] = [] if cell['ranges'][feature]['start'] is not None: ranges[feature].append(cell['ranges'][feature]['start']) if cell['ranges'][feature]['end'] is not None: ranges[feature].append(cell['ranges'][feature]['end']) for feature in ranges.keys(): ranges[feature] = list(set(ranges[feature])) ranges[feature].sort() return ranges @staticmethod def _calculate_untouched(cells): untouched_lists = [cell['untouched'] if 'untouched' in cell else [] for cell in cells] untouched = set(untouched_lists[0]) untouched = untouched.intersection(*untouched_lists) return list(untouched) @staticmethod def _calc_ncp_numeric(feature_range, range_count, feature_data, total): # if there are no ranges, feature is supressed and iLoss is 1 if not feature_range: return 1 # range only contains the split values, need to add min and max value of feature # to enable computing sizes of all ranges new_range = [feature_data['min']] + feature_range + [feature_data['max']] range_sizes = [b - a for a, b in zip(new_range[::1], new_range[1::1])] normalized_range_sizes = [s * n / total for s, n in zip(range_sizes, range_count)] average_range_size = sum(normalized_range_sizes) / len(normalized_range_sizes) return average_range_size / (feature_data['max'] - feature_data['min']) @staticmethod def _remove_feature_from_cells(cells, cells_by_id, feature): for cell in cells: if 'untouched' not in cell: cell['untouched'] = [] if feature in cell['ranges'].keys(): del cell['ranges'][feature] else: del cell['categories'][feature] cell['untouched'].append(feature) cells_by_id[cell['id']] = cell.copy()